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Shake the Dust: Boundaries in Action

Brandi K Harris, MS, LPC & LMFT

How much is too much? How long is too long? As followers of Jesus are we called to make tenacious effort? How about endless effort?

I love so much the way Jesus Himself demonstrates the importance of limits and boundaries for humans even though He is also God. We see him preach to large crowds and then wander off to the mountain top for a while. We see him heal some and not others. We even see Him create and then stop and rest. But one of my favorite things to remember when I feel I am reaching my own limits is the passage in the Gospel of Matthew that suggests if something really isn't going well for the disciples, they should just leave.

When telling them to get the good word out, Jesus says...

As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let you peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. --Jesus

How audacious. What I hear is, "Listen, just give it your best shot. Show up and try. Your job isn't to win everyone. Your job is to obey and deliver the goods. If it's not accepted, just go."

Being a person who often hangs on too long, I need to hear this sermon preached over and over. I've depended way too much on my own little self to win over and conquer the world. I try too hard. So much so that I sometimes don't even know the end is coming until I break or get bitter, which is ugly.

What I need to hear is this: It's ok to show up and just try. Notice how people respond. Notice how exhausted you're getting. Look for the work of the Holy Spirit and join Him; don't wage your own wars. If this effort isn't going well, back up and find the next productive conversation. There will be another option.

Unsplash: Bogdan Vlad

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