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Late Fee

When you set a counseling appointment with me, you are reserving my time. Reserving the appointment costs $75. This is what it costs me to prepare for an appointment with you...

  1. A business agreement with a business owner, who charges me for the space I use in her building, the use of her electronic records system, the furniture I borrow from her, and the various office supplies I use while I'm there.

  2. A professional insurance policy that keeps me legal and safe to practice.

  3. Licensing fees for both my licenses, which are guarantees for you that I will do my job ethically and with accountability, as well as guaranteeing you that I at least jumped through a lot of educational hoops to learn how to do my job well.

  4. Initial education (4 years of undergraduate work and 60+ hours of graduate training) to prepare me to do this job.

  5. Ongoing education (CEUs) that I accrue every year in my profession to make sure I stay current with researched methods and continue to develop as a professional.

  6. Dressing up to see you—nice enough to prove to you that I take my job seriously, but not too cute as to distract you from the task at hand.

  7. Time set aside from my family and personal life to make your agenda my top priority for that hour.

  8. Planing and paying for my own therapy and doctors' visits so my heart, mind, and body are available to you for that hour.

  9. Packing my lunch, planing for a babysitter and rides to and from school for my kids.

And that's all BEFORE we even meet. So when you cancel within 24 hours before our session, you still owe me the $75, because I've already done all of that for you.

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1 Comment

Nov 05, 2020

I love all you’re bringing to the table here! So many great reminders for all of us!

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