Most troubles in life can be solved by asking this question. Tragedy strikes. We don't have what we need. Humans fail miserably.
Is God good enough?
If the god you believe in cannot handle the difficulty at hand, is he really a god worth worshipping?
If the god you believe in is so disgusted at your behavior that he condemns you forever, is he really a god worth worshipping?
If the god you believe in is tricked by incompetent, nasty politicians, is he really a god worth worshipping?
If the god you believe in spitefully punishes you permanently for missing the mark when he created you weak in the first place, is he really a god worth worshipping?
If the god you believe in doesn't give you what you want and doesn't provide anything better, is he really a god worth worshipping?
If your god isn't worth worshipping, what God would be?
What God would be good enough?
I Am
The One Who Provides
The One Who Protects
The One Who Sees
The Creator Who Sets Free
It might be time to worship that God instead.

Unsplash: Jeremy Bishop