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Back to Church

Brandi K Harris, MS, LPC & LMFT

Sometimes it feels like I'm one of the only Americans who still likes going to church. It feels like church isn't PC. And if it is PC to you, I might not want to go to your church.

I don't blame the millions of you who are no longer showing up to worship alongside misogynistic, unjust, deceptive liars in echo chambers. I don't really want to be a part of that crowd either.

What I do want is to find fellow followers of Jesus, the God-man who actually cares about people and meets them where they are—broken and needy, overwhelmed and sad, full of potential and joyful creativity. That Jesus is the one I love. He is the generous giver, the faithful provider, the protector of the weak while small and gentle Himself. When I am with Him and His people who love Him I am reminded again of His goodness, something I can easily forget living in a harsh world.

Unsplash photo cred: Toa Heftiba

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