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Porn? But How...

Brandi K Harris, MS, LPC & LMFT

Pornographic (adj). - designed to elicit arousal from the audience.

That's right. Pornography includes any media or art form designed to get you excited in a sexual way… images, movies, videos, clips, music, etc. Porn is everywhere. We label some movies porn because they are rated R or M or X, but the truth is that there are quite a few billboards out there available to EVERYONE (including your toddler) that are aiming for the exact same response.

You kind of can't get away. So what are we supposed to do if we'd rather not be sexually stimulated 90% of the time our eyes are open? One thing you aren't going to be able to do is "stop noticing." You're just going to notice. That's what the human brain does—it notices sexually charged things.

What you can do is choose to look at MORE than the sexual objects. You can see a body portrayed as one-dimensional and intentionally remember that that HUMAN is more than a body for your own use and pleasure. That body is attached to a beautiful soul with hopes and dreams and thoughts and relationships. That body is a human in community with other humans. Just like you're a human in community with other humans.

If that body isn't part of a full human you are actually in relationship with, remember that you have full humans you can actually connect to—on a fully human level. Connect with those people, those real people if you want to escape the allure of the one-sided, objectifying trap of consuming pornography.

Unsplash photo cred: Alexander Andrews

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