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Rec: Two Rare Gems

Brene' Brown and Dolly Parton are two of my motivating heroes in life, and I don' have many. Recently they teamed up in the Unlocking Us podcast to chat about vulnerability and loving the most vulnerable. You can't go wrong spending an hour listening to these women discuss loving well as badass business women.

Dolly says things like, "I don't lose my temper, but I use it when I need to!" I can't even think her words without hearing her gentle Southern drawl. I once spent a season reading her autobiography out loud to my kids before bedtime—in my best Dolly voice. She loves all forms of the downtrodden and does much to lift them up, all in high heals and enough makeup to suffocate a clown.

Brene' tells how her mother used to forbid her family to look away from someone in pain, knowing that one day each of them would be in pain and would need the same kind of considerate respect and attention. What wisdom! You can find the podcast here:

If you love it, I also suggest the entire NPR series "Dolly Parton's America." It's inspiring and fascinating how one woman can capture so many hearts. Find it here:

Photo Cred: Madalena Veloso

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I loved it too. My favorite quote was “Not to say that I can’t tell you where to put it if I don’t like where you got it.“ hahaha!!

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