By nature I am a super deep thinker. On my worst days you could definitely call me obsessive. I love to think about the threads that tie all things together and am constantly on the lookout for patterns and themes. I can be a tenacious arguer and as a teen was happy to debate unreasonably just to prove I could. I'm sure my parents really appreciated that.
While I love to think, play doesn't come nearly as natural to me. But play tends to be more healing than thinking. The human brain can't actually play and fear at the same time. In a world full of things to fear, if we can't learn to play or find safe places to play, we will drown in depression and anxiety. Adulting requires so much thinking we can absolutely lose our minds if we don't care for our inner child who knows how to play.
This is why I love my playful friends. This is why I have to be intentional about play. The other day I rode in the car with a friend who started jamming out to the music on the radio. Laughing, dancing, enjoying life for a moment made me smile so widely. I relaxed and laughed alongside. It was such a gift!
I also attended a church service recently where the musical worship, despite the current strife, felt so authentically joyful I couldn't help but cry and sing along. I jumped right in that river. As much as my job is to join people in their pain, I also believe firmly that we should be joining one another in our joy. Where can you play today? How can you share your joy with another?
Unsplash Frank Huang