Get Out of the Rut
Restore Your Heart
Connect Deeper
Education and Encouragement for Emotional and Relational Health
It only takes a breath to start healing.
Lots of people want to make changes in their lives but don't know where to start. Counseling can be a part of healing, but it is expensive and hard to find the right fit.
Counseling doesn't have to be your only option. Discover the resources you need to pursue the health and connections you're seeking.
Meet Brandi
Brandi K. Harris, MS, LPC, & LMFT has been a professional counselor for over 15 years.
She teaches regularly on mental and emotional health. Personally, she's an artist, a mom of 3 kids, a wife, a friend, and a follower of Jesus. As a fun human herself who used to play roller derby and will almost always nerd-out over random plants, she wants to do what she can to help heal our community.
Alongside her counseling practice, Brandi offers online mental health resources and support for Christian marriages and sex education.
Why delay when healing can start today?
Take a breath & join me!
Follow along on social for more relationship resources.
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See her speaking subjects here.